Chakra Balancing Massage

Chakra Balancing Massage
Service Category :

In Ayurveda there are seven sources of energy called Chakras that exist in the body. All seven chakras work together to help promote overall well-being. Our Chakra Balancing Massage focuses on realigning the chakras, as well as combining multiple massage techniques including reflexology and deep tissue massage to provide a complete experience for the mind, body and spirit.

The Therapist will also use a light touch over each chakra. She’ll practice intentional thought and visualization with the client to provide both physical and mental relief from ailments or stress. Clients will learn how to purposefully ground themselves throughout the day, with the therapist’s direction and meditative tact. The combination of these techniques leaves the client feeling focused and refreshed.

Some benefits of the Chakra Balancing Massage:

  • Promote stress relief
  • Calm emotions
  • Increase focus and mental capability
  • Improve overall health and wellness